####A smartphone is required to play this game.####
Love your neighbors!
From the makers of Tower of Babel on AirConsole, The Neighborhood is a team-based slingshot battle game where two groups play against each other as feuding neighbors. Each neighbor is hell-bent on destroying the home of the other by deploying creative weapons in hopes of getting rid of the other neighbor. The game features single-player and local multiplayer modes supporting up to eight players divided into two teams. Like its predecessor Tower of Babel, The Neighborhood is a visually attractive 2D game with vibrant backgrounds and colorful characters. The Neighborhood is perfect for mischievous casual gamers with an appreciation for beautiful visuals and a knack for knocking down property that doesn’t belong to them.
Each player has a home with six colorful but sinister characters residing in the home. Each character has a single offensive ability used to attack the opponent’s home.
The abilities are:
Catacow: One of your characters inflates a cow and launches it at the opposing home. The cow bounces around and explodes after 4 seconds, destroying everything nearby, including characters.
Fireworks: A missile is launched but requires the player to tap their screen with precisely the right timing to direct the missile.
Triple Canon: One of your characters launches a giant cannon ball that splits into three pieces after you tap.
Stone Thrower: A large character throws a giant boulder.
Sniper: Even the toddler of the family is lethal: this underage sniper fires a powerful missile in a straight line. It’s ideal to cause precise structural damage.
Babzooka: The character responsible for this ability launches a rocket that explodes dealing massive damage.
Death Bird: Throw a bird that jump every time you tap. Perfect weapon to hit areas hard to reach.
Players cannot control the order in which a character uses its ability. The order can only be skipped if a character dies. The players use these characters to aim their weapons at sections of their opponent’s home. Between the neighbors is a neutral structure that houses yellow boxes. If these boxes are destroyed, the player responsible for its destruction is rewarded with power-ups that provide additional defense.
A note of caution, players can destroy their own home and accidently kill off their characters. Also, certain abilities and power-ups come at a sacrifice and risk of destroying your home in the process. Players must be strategic enough and savvy enough to balance their resources and characters to destroy their neighbor.
AirConsole Gaming
AirConsole is truly unique in the gaming industry because it offers its console through a web browser. Players simply join online, connect their smartphone or tablets with the access code provided and play. AirConsole has a growing library of games that accommodates groups. Its games can range from 2 players and as high as 30 players. New games are added weekly to give users more options and a better gaming experience. Players have the option to download the AirConsole app for easier play instead of using their smartphone browser to connect to the game. The app is available for iPhone and Android phones. All of the games provided and the browser software is offered to gamers for free.
Play The Neighborhood today and check out everything AirConsole has to offer.
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#### Per giocare a questo gioco è necessario uno smartphone. ####
Ama i tuoi vicini!
From the makers of Tower of Babel su AirConsole, The Neighborhood è un gioco di combattimento a fionda basato sulla squadra in cui due gruppi giocano l'uno contro l'altro come vicini di faide. Ogni vicino è deciso a distruggere la casa degli altri dispiegando armi creative nella speranza di liberarsi dell'altro vicino. Il gioco offre modalità giocatore singolo e multiplayer locale che supportano fino a otto giocatori divisi in due squadre. Come il suo predecessore Tower of Babel, The Neighborhood è un gioco 2D visivamente attraente con sfondi vivaci e personaggi colorati. The Neighborhood è perfetto per i giocatori occasionali dispettosi con un apprezzamento per le bellezze visive e un talento per abbattere proprietà che non appartengono a loro.
Ogni giocatore ha una casa con sei personaggi colorati ma sinistri che risiedono in casa. Ogni personaggio ha una sola abilità offensiva usata per attaccare la casa dell'avversario.
Le abilità sono:
Catacow: uno dei tuoi personaggi gonfia una mucca e la lancia nella casa avversaria. La mucca rimbalza ed esplode dopo 4 secondi, distruggendo tutto nelle vicinanze, inclusi i personaggi.
Fuochi artificiali: un missile viene lanciato ma richiede al giocatore di toccare il loro schermo con il giusto tempismo per dirigere il missile.
Triple Canon: uno dei tuoi personaggi lancia una gigantesca palla di cannone che si divide in tre pezzi dopo aver toccato.
Stone Thrower: un grande personaggio lancia un gigantesco masso.
Cecchino: anche il piccolo della famiglia è letale: questo cecchino minorenne spara un potente missile in linea retta. È ideale per causare danni strutturali precisi.
Babzooka: il personaggio responsabile di questa abilità lancia un razzo che esplode generando danni ingenti.
Uccello della morte: lancia un uccello che salta ogni volta che tocchi. Un'arma perfetta per colpire le aree difficili da raggiungere.
I giocatori non possono controllare l'ordine in cui un personaggio usa la sua abilità. L'ordine può essere saltato solo se un personaggio muore. I giocatori usano questi personaggi per mirare le loro armi in sezioni della casa del loro avversario. Tra i vicini c'è una struttura neutra che ospita scatole gialle. Se queste scatole vengono distrutte, il giocatore responsabile della sua distruzione viene ricompensato con power-up che forniscono ulteriore difesa.
Una nota di cautela, i giocatori possono distruggere la propria casa e uccidere accidentalmente i loro personaggi. Inoltre, alcune abilità e power-up vengono sacrificati e il rischio di distruggere la tua casa nel processo. I giocatori devono essere abbastanza strategici e abbastanza esperti da bilanciare le loro risorse e personaggi per distruggere il loro vicino.
AirConsole Gaming
AirConsole è davvero unica nel settore dei giochi perché offre la sua console attraverso un browser web. I giocatori si iscrivono semplicemente online, collegano il loro smartphone o tablet con il codice di accesso fornito e giocano. AirConsole ha una crescente libreria di giochi che ospita gruppi. I suoi giochi possono variare da 2 giocatori fino a 30 giocatori. Nuovi giochi vengono aggiunti settimanalmente per offrire agli utenti più opzioni e una migliore esperienza di gioco. I giocatori hanno la possibilità di scaricare l'app AirConsole per giocare più facilmente invece di usare il browser per smartphone per connettersi al gioco. L'app è disponibile per iPhone e telefoni Android. Tutti i giochi forniti e il software del browser sono offerti gratuitamente ai giocatori.
Gioca a The Neighborhood oggi e controlla tutto ciò che AirConsole ha da offrire.
Politica sulla riservatezza:
####A smartphone is required to play this game.####
Love your neighbors!
From the makers of Tower of Babel on AirConsole, The Neighborhood is a team-based slingshot battle game where two groups play against each other as feuding neighbors. Each neighbor is hell-bent on destroying the home of the other by deploying creative weapons in hopes of getting rid of the other neighbor. The game features single-player and local multiplayer modes supporting up to eight players divided into two teams. Like its predecessor Tower of Babel, The Neighborhood is a visually attractive 2D game with vibrant backgrounds and colorful characters. The Neighborhood is perfect for mischievous casual gamers with an appreciation for beautiful visuals and a knack for knocking down property that doesn’t belong to them.
Each player has a home with six colorful but sinister characters residing in the home. Each character has a single offensive ability used to attack the opponent’s home.
The abilities are:
Catacow: One of your characters inflates a cow and launches it at the opposing home. The cow bounces around and explodes after 4 seconds, destroying everything nearby, including characters.
Fireworks: A missile is launched but requires the player to tap their screen with precisely the right timing to direct the missile.
Triple Canon: One of your characters launches a giant cannon ball that splits into three pieces after you tap.
Stone Thrower: A large character throws a giant boulder.
Sniper: Even the toddler of the family is lethal: this underage sniper fires a powerful missile in a straight line. It’s ideal to cause precise structural damage.
Babzooka: The character responsible for this ability launches a rocket that explodes dealing massive damage.
Death Bird: Throw a bird that jump every time you tap. Perfect weapon to hit areas hard to reach.
Players cannot control the order in which a character uses its ability. The order can only be skipped if a character dies. The players use these characters to aim their weapons at sections of their opponent’s home. Between the neighbors is a neutral structure that houses yellow boxes. If these boxes are destroyed, the player responsible for its destruction is rewarded with power-ups that provide additional defense.
A note of caution, players can destroy their own home and accidently kill off their characters. Also, certain abilities and power-ups come at a sacrifice and risk of destroying your home in the process. Players must be strategic enough and savvy enough to balance their resources and characters to destroy their neighbor.
AirConsole Gaming
AirConsole is truly unique in the gaming industry because it offers its console through a web browser. Players simply join online, connect their smartphone or tablets with the access code provided and play. AirConsole has a growing library of games that accommodates groups. Its games can range from 2 players and as high as 30 players. New games are added weekly to give users more options and a better gaming experience. Players have the option to download the AirConsole app for easier play instead of using their smartphone browser to connect to the game. The app is available for iPhone and Android phones. All of the games provided and the browser software is offered to gamers for free.
Play The Neighborhood today and check out everything AirConsole has to offer.
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